Friday - Dodgeball Club - Year 3/4/5/6
Time to Dodge, Catch and Throw A 4 week Club Starts Friday 26th April Ends Friday 17th May
Available spots
Service Description
Come meet Josh for Dodgeball. A fantastic team throwing and catching game! This is a 4 week Club Starts Friday 1st March Ends Friday 15th March At the end of the school day the children will be brought to the lunch hall to meet Josh. They will then be allowed a small snack (brought from home) before we start dodgeball. At the end of dodgeball Josh will bring the children to the front gate where children can be collected by their adults. at 4.30pm PLEASE BE AWARE THAT CHILDREN IN YEARS 5 AND 6 ARE PERMITTED TO WALK HOME BY THEMSELVES. HOWEVER WE MUST HAVE WRITTEN PERMISSION FOR THIS TO HAPPEN
Contact Details
Claremont Primary School, Claremont Road, London, UK