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Frequently Asked Questions

Your Questions, Answered

Why are the groups all capped at 20 children or less?

The reason for the group size limit is to ensure that the correct staff-children ratio is observed. We want the children to have the most time actively engaged rather than waiting for others so they can commence the next stage together.

Why do I have to book for all 6 weeks in advance?

The reason for this is to help us plan for the group, as the more stable the group is week to week then the group can achieve more together. We are keen for your child to learn or develop a new skill whilst they are with us, and the best way for them to achieve this is by completing the 6 week course.

How do I pay SP@CE After School Clubs?

Payments are currently only possible via our website and its secure payment portal. Payments for 6 week courses can be taken as one payment, and payments for Breakfast Clubs, After School Clubs and SP@CE Extended Provision can be made on a session by session basis.

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