SP@CE Infection Incubation Policy
SP@CE after school clubs recognise it is our responsibility to ensure the Health and Safety for our children, colleagues and parents through identifying and discussing health issues in an open and positive way allowing us to achieve and maintain our high standards. The health and wellbeing of all the children, colleagues and parents who attend SP@CE after school clubs is of paramount importance to us. In order to maintain a clean and healthy environment we ask that you refrain from bringing your child to a club if they are sick and/or displaying signs of illness.
We aim to:
Ensure sick children are identified.
Ensure sick children are cared for appropriately.
Protect children and adults from preventable infection.
Enable our colleagues and parents to be clear about the requirements and procedures when a child is unwell.
If any child is thought to be unwell we will assess the condition of the child, this will be done in a kind and caring manner. The child may become distressed so it is important to be calm and reassuring. The manager must be informed of any sick children.
We understand the needs of working parents and will not exclude children from the setting unnecessarily. It is however at the discretion of the manager when requesting the exclusion of a child for illness or infection and that decision is final. Decisions will be made and take into account the needs of the child and those within the group.
Any child with an infectious or contagious disease will be excluded for a certain period of time. If colleagues suspect that a child has an infectious or contagious disease they will advise that parents to consult a doctor before returning to the setting.
Should a child become ill whilst at the club, the manager or deputy manager will contact the parent or emergency contact, we ask for the child to be collected within one hour if possible. The child will be comforted whilst awaiting the arrival or the parent/carer.
Our colleagues will report any worries about a child’s health or well-being to the parent/carer immediately. Parents/carers are responsible for keeping the setting informed about their child’s health.
We will follow the guidance from the Health Protection Agency regarding exclusion periods. A full up to date list is available at
Coughs and colds do not necessarily require the child to be excluded from the setting, but this will depend on the severity and how the child is able to cope. A child who is or appears unwell may be refused admission this will be at the discretion of the manager or deputy manager.
A child who has sickness or diarrhoea whilst at the setting is to be collected immediately and kept away for 48hours from the last time episode.
If a child or adult is diagnosed suffering from a notifiable disease under the public health (infectious diseases) regulations 1988, the GP will report this to the Health Protection agency.
When the setting becomes aware, or is informed of the notifiable disease, the Manager will inform OFSTED and acts on advice given by the Health Protection Agency.