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Schedule for Autumn 1 2021

Whilst much of what we offer at SP@CE After School Clubs will be the same across both sites, there will inevitably be some clubs occurring on different days. Below is the schedule of activities for each site to help with your booking choices.

Please be aware that for all sessions there is a limit of 20 children for each Creative Me Club, 20 children for each sports club and 15 children for the SP@CE After School Club sessions. 

Our schedule of activities is set for Autumn 1, and for any changes to this for Autumn 2 you can read about them first here.


Childs Hill Primary School

This is your News & Updates article. It’s a great place to highlight stories about your After School Club, important updates and useful information for your members. Choose an image, media gallery, or video to feature in your post for extra engagement.

Asian Teens

Meet Our Newest Members

This is your News & Updates article. It’s a great place to highlight stories about your After School Club, important updates and useful information for your members. Choose an image, media gallery, or video to feature in your post for extra engagement.

Childs Hill Primary School

This is your item description. Use this space to add a description of the services, products, team members or any other items you want to highlight on your site. Have a lot to say? Easily turn any item into a full page by clicking ‘Create a page from this item’ in the edit panel.

Claremont Primary School

This is your item description. Use this space to add a description of the services, products, team members or any other items you want to highlight on your site. Have a lot to say? Easily turn any item into a full page by clicking ‘Create a page from this item’ in the edit panel.

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